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CETC 150 Stormwater Management & Erosion Control (SMEC)
with Scott Olson

Stormwater Courses are offered in partnership with Altitude Training Associates. Visit website to register: First full day is delivered via ZOOM. the second, 1/2 day is in person and includes a field trip. Understand the principles and practices of stormwater management, erosion and sediment control during construction activities. This course will cover the legal requirements the process of erosion and sedimentation erosion and sediment control, best management practices (BMPs) selection and application, and structural and non-structural installation guidelines. this course is the recipient of the Environmental Education Partnership award granted by the Colorado Alliance of Environmental Education. The second day of class is half-day field trip to discuss BMPs on actual construction sites.
For registration and more information contact Scott Olson
Altitude Training Associates, LLC
CETC 150 Stormwater Management & Erosion Control (SMEC)
with Scott Olson

Stormwater Courses are offered in partnership with Altitude Training Associates. Visit website to register: First full day is delivered via ZOOM. the second, 1/2 day is in person and includes a field trip. Understand the principles and practices of stormwater management, erosion and sediment control during construction activities. This course will cover the legal requirements the process of erosion and sedimentation erosion and sediment control, best management practices (BMPs) selection and application, and structural and non-structural installation guidelines. this course is the recipient of the Environmental Education Partnership award granted by the Colorado Alliance of Environmental Education. The second day of class is half-day field trip to discuss BMPs on actual construction sites.
For registration and more information contact Scott Olson
Altitude Training Associates, LLC
Motheread/Fatheread CEUs
If you have completed the Motheread/Fatheread Institute to become a certified facilitator, then you are eligible to recieve 2.0 CEUs from RMEC. Once you add the item to your cart and purchase this item, our team we confirm your completion status with Motherread/Fatheread and issue an electronic CEU certificate.
SQL Certificate
with LERN
Structured Query Language (SQL) is the industry standard database programming language. It is one of the most in demand skills in occupations that require interaction with data and analyzing data. Through your knowledge of Structured Query Language, you will become more marketable in computer related career fields that pertain to database administration. Learning SQL can also lead to a job that is specific to analyzing data such as a data analyst, a quality assurance analyst, or a business analyst. You’ll first learn about relational database structures, the history and uses of Structured Query Language, and how to use Structured Query Language to create a database, add records to database tables, and how to use SQL queries to extract meaningful data from database tables. You will quickly progress from creating simple SQL queries that query a single table to querying multiple tables simultaneously. You’ll also learn how to alter data in a database and how to gather significant statistics from data stored in a database. Finally, you'll learn techniques that will enable you to write powerful queries that perform complicated searches and sorts on your data. This certificate will enhance your competitiveness in the field of database administration and data analyst jobs.
Register using this link: SQL Certificate - Rocky Mountain Education Center - LERN
RMEC 1010 10-Hour OSHA - Construction
with Carlos Camacho
The 10-hour training program is primarily intended for entry-level workers. The Construction version provides an overview of the inherent hazards workers may expect to encounter on construction job sites. Training emphasizes hazard identification, avoidance, control, and prevention. The content of the courses includes workers' rights, employer responsibilities under the OSHA Act, and how workers can file a complaint with OSHA. This training does not replace any OSHA safety training that employers are required to provide for their workers
Digital Literacy Lab
with Jean Tuyishime
Open computer lab offering instruction on various aspects of computer learning.
Digital Literacy Lab
with Jean Tuyishime
Open computer lab offering instruction on various aspects of computer learning.